How we work

At Antistatic, we collaborate with people to translate and reframe the complex issues they’re working on so they’re approachable and engaging for their target audience. Regardless of the project, we follow a similar methodology. Here’s what it looks like:



We start by taking an in-depth look at the issues our clients are grappling with, using a combination of conversation, research, close analysis, and deep listening. We look at how these issues fit within the wider landscape of the work our clients do, and the wider ecosystem where these ideas circulate.


The issues we work with are often really complex and technical. We understand the big issues facing each of the sectors we work across, which helps us to bridge the gap between experts and audiences. We translate complex information into clear, concise content suited to your target audience.


We work with you to make sure your important messages are presented in a compelling way that will resonate with your audiences. We are experienced writers and media producers, and the final products we deliver are often a combination of writing, video, infographics, one-pagers, workshops, and position papers.

The work we do can vary widely. It may include undertaking analysis and research, developing communication strategies, writing documents for different audiences, and thinking through the potential risks and consequences of a proposed project. We also do one-off projects, and are great sounding boards for new ideas. Let's talk!

Our projects.