What we do
We help clients investigate issues and clearly present their ideas to their audiences to influence decision-making and facilitate real-world change. We focus on areas where complex systems intersect with the lives and wellbeing of people and the environment:
digital technology systems and data
physical, digital and community infrastructure
archives, digital preservation and information management
climate change adaptation and environmental protection.
Our work varies from client to client and can include research and analysis, workshop facilitation, narrative strategy, and report writing. We also bring skills in coordinating multi-stakeholder teams and navigating large-scale complex projects.
If you’re interested in learning more about our work or have a potential project to discuss, we offer free half-hour “get to know you” calls. Email us to set up a time.
Here are some of our core services:
Strategic advising and sounding board
We work with leaders and their teams to help hone or test their thinking and develop strategic approaches to their work. We bring a combination of deep subject matter expertise and critical thinking skills to help you develop ideas and look at a problem or opportunity from all angles. We can write strategies and briefing papers based on discussions, and always dig a bit deeper to get the best outcomes possible.
Research and writing for reports and strategies
We write engaging, accessible reports, strategies and operational policies that help decision-makers understand key issues and take action. We can lead and manage projects from research to final draft, or embed in a team. Depending on the project, we can contribute policy analysis, literature reviews, landscape scans, or design and layout services.
Document triage
We fine-tune reports or white papers before they are sent out into the world. We bring fresh eyes and editing skills to help revise (or completely overhaul) draft documents, ensuring the key messages are strong, the language is clear and precise, and the structure is easy to follow so it resonates with your audience. We offer a short turnaround service for tight deadlines.
Narrative strategy
Many of the groups we work with are striving to change complex systems. This work is often complex and hard to describe. We help organisations develop strategic ways to talk about their work, mission and impact in a joined-up, coherent way that resonates with audiences. This allows leaders and teams to clearly communicate the change they are seeking to make in the world and the steps they’re taking to get there.